Sunday, March 22, 2015

Naked Sailing !! I need a license for that?

I just read a funny and informative blog about sailing the ocean blue, au naturel, that means nude, naked, without apparel. I thought it was just me, but according to the Cygnus III Blog it's quite common to sail naked.

Read this funny article, click here...  Sailing Naked   at
 The Cygnus III Liveaboard and Sailing Blog

 It seems the author Mark Roope has a license for nude sailing so I figured I better get one also, before the authorities cancel my subscription to "Whale Watch Monthly" So here is my naked sailing license posted in a public spot.

What Is a Ship

Borrowed from Jack Sparrow in The Pirates of the Caribbean:

Saturday, March 7, 2015

SV Kooky Dance: Rudder Cay to Emerald Bay Marina on Great Exuma.

I'm so jealous! Scott and Tamera who were my dockmates here at Bayland Marina are now in the Exuma Islands having a blast. Check out their blog.

SV Kooky Dance: Rudder Cay to Emerald Bay Marina on Great Exuma.: By Capt. Scott Buckley Location: Emerald Bay Exumas. In order to enter Elizabeth Harbor at Georgetown it is required to enter Exuma Soun...