Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Living on a sailboat; there is nothing that compares to it. However, when you go into refit mode it's a nightmare! Galley formica horizontal and vertical are off, wood counter tops off, gimbal stove out < less cooking lol. Sawdust and fiberglass powder sitting on EVERYTHING my itches have itches! Then it gets quiet and the boat gently rocks for and aft and all the anxiety goes away; sitting in the cockpit in the evening watching the sunset gentle breeze blowing. Retirement can' t come soon enough then off to the islands maybe settling down in Grenada in 10 or 15 yrs! Im ready!
 "The perfection of a yacht's beauty is that nothing should be there for only beauty's sake."
John MacGregor

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A little taste of cruising life

We sailed to Offats Bayou for the Memorial Day weekend and got a little taste of what the cruising life will be like. We were anchored just off an island (Galveston) with gentle winds blowing, some tropical music playing in the cockpit and cooking up dinner on the bar-b-que. 

We had to make a supply run and dropped the dinghy off the davits and made the short trip across the bayou to the store to stock up. In the islands the dinghy will be our car to go to the store for supplies.


Friday, May 16, 2014

**Boat Garden Update**

Well today we found our first ripe cherry tomato! Thats saying a lot considering we are fighting the wind, salt air and  lack of rainwater.  So we cart our water jugs to the windmill (i.e$$. self serve water station) to get filtered water for our garden; not bad for 25 cents per gallon. However, our "big boy" tomato's flower but not setting fruit.

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown

The strawberry basket hanging from
main boom are producing a bunch of little berries soon to be sweet enough for delicious homemade strawberry shortcake! pic to come

Now about the pineapple plant; the first one I have seen and it has grown several new round rows of leaves and the fruit itself has gotten bigger.  I'm thinking pineapple upside down cake, how about you?  When the pineapple is fully grown we'll twist the leaf top off and plant it in soil and  hurry up and wait for the next one to grow.

We put our salad mix out in the sun, oops maybe a little too much sun but there better today just very young seedlings.  We mixed several different lettuce seeds to have a organic mixture, butter-crunch, spinach, romaine and black seeded Simpson.  The idea in our foot garden is when the plants are tall we cut them off at the soil line and reseed and do it again.I think it will be very tasty.

Still a country boy

You can take the boy out of the country, but cant take the country out of the boy. Still growing a garden, even on my boat. Tomatoes, Lettuce, Strawberries and a pineapple. Tomatoes will be ripe soon.

I'm still trying to figure out where to put the chicken coop, hmmmm, maybe in the cockpit.

Friday, April 18, 2014

I'll be lookin fer me Island. Arrrgh

Just one of those days of sitting here dreaming of cruising off to the islands and finding my own island with waterfalls, mountains, tropical plants, and pirate treasure.

Its not much longer now and we will cut the lines and point the boat south and begin the adventure.